Wednesday 14 October 2015

Lens based media | Story & Character development

Lens based media. This cycle was a
particularly unusual week due to the
course selection mid week as well
as the later starts and consequently
later ends.

Nevertheless, the cycle was an
awesome insight into the course
of lens based media and was great fun
as well. 
First, lens based media in the very
minimal sense is the capturing of
story telling through film, photography
or any other means. A vital element of
this is light and how it is caught through
the lens allowing the user to create an
image or film. Therefore, two things
should be remembered for this
cycle; storytelling
is key and light is vital. 

As a result our first exercise was to
produce a short story with a protagonist
, antagonist and a moment of change.
This allows the main character to set
upon a journey that is out of the ordinary
as well as out of their normal
environment. To come up with a
character our group of four decided to
combine distinctive qualities of people
we've met or just encountered to
create a bigger than life protagonist.
The end result was something
considerably wacky and out there
contributing to an even more absurd
story plot. However, the detail and
depth we explored into our characters
background was the main objective
of the task ensuring we were creating
a believable character/world even if
it was a bit odd. 

Story boarding was a key device
that kept the plot from becoming
too over complicated or running
over our strict six frame brief.

The follower was the name given to our masterpiece
(pfff) suggesting unknown themes that could be
promoted as quite sinister in tone. Regardless, the
exercise was a good indication of working in teams
under time restraints as well as confined story frames.
I know there wasn't much light in this activity which I
send was vital in lens based media, but it will be
coming in future posts. Mark my words!

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