Wednesday 14 October 2015

Lens based media | Animation & Photo-story

Hopefully this works. If it doesn't I'll post some of the
images i produced for the animation.

Anyway, the final exercise of the lens based media 
cycle was an animation task. We were put into groups
of ten to sketch one another to produce a number of
drawings of the same individual from different angles 
and perspectives.

The final outcome was a quick animation that
plays the sketches sequentially so that it gives
a sense of rotation and movement on the subject of 
the sketches. For future reference I would get a 
thicker fineliner or other bolder medium for the whole
group to use so that all the drawn images are clear 
and detailed when scanned in digitally.

 The photos displayed are the final part of my lens based media cycle. The reason theres no captions below the images is because the images had to tell a story without any references or written guides, not because I'm lazy. It's the story of a London commuters day in six frame snapshots we were
confined to by the brief. Overall, I loved doing the brief testing; the use of lighting, angles, perspectives etc learnt during this week which have really impacted on my final outcome. As a result, the weeks been fantastic and a real eye-opener to the devices used in story-telling that are transferable to any field of the design industry.

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