Wednesday 14 October 2015

Lens based media | Light composition

Light, an essential part of producing any medium of
photography or film. This post is a collection of a few
experiments of light composition using multiple lamps
as well as camera variations. 

Quite early on we found that a large amount of
light can be emitted by the lamps we were
using during a flash in sync with the flash of the
camera. Unfortunately, it over saturates the subject
with a flood of intense light that produces a unique
aesthetic but undoubtedly imperfect photo. (Above)

The use of light can be used to focus or hone into
an area of the image leaving other subjects of the
photo out of the intended frame. (Above)

Use of shadow creates depth in the image. The light
was pointed upwards underneath the camera frame
to produce this shadow angle. (Above)

Additionally, the use of minimal lighting can create
images that purely focus on highlights of the photo.

Using of reflective surfaces can emit altered light in
unique ways. For instance we experimented using a
bronze reflective surface to create an warm orange
glow onto the subject of the image. (Above)
Tungsten lamp 'red head' used to produce
focused points of light on the subject.
This was the lamp we used predominantly
during this exercise because of it's
manoeuvrability and great light source.

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