Sunday 11 October 2015

Graphics | Testing mediums

This exercise was a short brief however
conducive nonetheless.

These images present the outcomes of
small individual tests of different
mediums as well as mark making. For
instance the scan of my hand with the
type font of my choice was a relatively
simple tasks, but the outcome delves
quickly into digital design and
personally I think looks great. (Above)
One exercise was to produce a sketch
with any medium on a A1 sized piece
of paper the ear of one of your peers
within a twenty minute time limit. I
decided to use fine liner to mark on the
page a more defined sketch as well as
force myself to work without a rubber.

The outcome was an interesting piece
compared to the other examples 
produced by my peers. Ears are 
unusual forms to draw and so for 
future reference maybe start with a 
pencil before diving right into it with
fineliner. (Above)

Another exercise was to sketch a portrait
of the person sitting opposite you limiting
certain attributes you would normally use
altogether. Similar to a previous task I
was given this exercise was more active
as it involved limited time periods to
draw within. The first sketch was to
sketch with your eyes closed restraining
you from over relying on one single
sense. (Above)

Sketch two challenge us to keep our
drawing medium to the page so that
the piece would have a continued line
throughout. Unlike the first sketch the
detail and proportions of the portrait
are unsurprisingly better including
the eyes retina as well as the lips and
chin detail. (Above)

The third sketch was difficult challenge
as it forced you to you your weaker
drawing hand to produce the portrait.
Although, the final outcome was
unexpectedly positive still bearing
some resemblance to the original
portraits subject. However, possibly
for whenever I have to pursue this
type of medium again further details
should be explored such as shading,
cross hatching etc to improve the
portrait. (Above)

Unlike the other sketches the fourth
piece was very unique. This was down
to the medium tested as we had to draw
our final portrait using the pen, finaliser
or pencil in our mouths. This brought
it's own challenges as your jaw would
stiffen and demand you to change your
angle on the page as well as perspective
of the drawing. Nonetheless, the final
piece has a unique aesthetic and untidy
feel that the other mediums evoke in
their own separate ways. However, I
don't think I'll be drawing with a
fineliner in my mouth anytime soon.
I think I'll stick to the more civilised
ways of drawing i.e with your hands.

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