Sunday 11 October 2015

Graphics | Final poster

Coming full circle at the end of the
Graphics rotation we were 
assigned an advertisement brief
to communicate Poetic migration in the 
form of a poster. This was to tie into the 
original brief where we produce poetry
under the umbrella of poetic migration.
The brief was open to interpretation 
allowing any forms of media as long 
as it concluded on an A3 poster 
medium. (Above)

Therefore, I took advantage of such an open brief to
combine practical and digital mediums to
communicate poetic migration. Using coloured paper
I cut out minimal shapes to define what I believed to
be poetic migration visually. In this instance I wanted
to show the brain working with cogs. (Above)

The cogs were more intricate to cut out than the brain.
As a result I produced half of each of the cogs and
duplicated them digitally to produce the whole circle
of the cog. I scanned all of the cut out shapes onto
photoshop afterwards to manipulate with colour
contrast, shape and layering. For example this is
how I produced the pink colour for the brain instead
of the previously red colour. 
The final outcome was a design that
integrated digital type and brush tools
as well as practical cut out materials.
I personally chose the colour of the
text to stand out against the
background. Taking inspiration from
posters designed by Paul Rand that
focus on minimal shapes and type
I reflected this style of design in the
poster I produced.

In conclusion, the poster is a reflection
of my experiences of this week. Possibly
in the future I would tackle this type of
brief differently featuring other media
or even film. Nevertheless, I love the
piece I produced as it conveys the title
of the brief clearly as well as combining
skills I've learnt during this week.
Some of the other designs produced
used other mediums such as photography
,practical drawn pieces and constructed
3D posters. (Above)

As a result, graphics is an
area I would like to pursue further
because of my previous experiences
in this area and also the insight into
the course I've had this week.

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