Tuesday 29 September 2015

3D Modelling | Body support challenge

First off, this particular challenge didn't
go exceedingly well for me or for a
number of my peers. Nevertheless, the
task itself was a enjoyable and helpful
The challenge was to create a design
that would support your body weight
off of the ground using only corrugated
card and masking tape. You also had
to be suspended at least thirty
centimetres off the ground.

Due to the nature of the task I had to
vigorously test my structure multiple
times throughout the process. However
I found that this would only worsen the
structure of my design as the card would
warp under constant weight as well as
the tape would become alleviated and

As a result the images are a compilation of tested and
tried design that slowly deteriorated under pressure
and alleviation. 

The final design was completely
collapsed as the materials could not
withstand the weight of my body. (Above)

Nonetheless, the challenge was a valuable experience
about having to work spontaneously under numerous
changing conditions. The task was also a really good
laugh as a number of people were unable to create
body support structures and so there was a great
sense of team effort together with humour.

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