Thursday 24 September 2015

Fashion | Concepts inspired by Roy Lichenstein

The next part of the fashion cycle was to create a 
number of body art designs in the style of your chosen
artist. Using secondary sources such as magazine
cut outs and printed images of models the task was
to create a number of designs on multiple models.
During the process each of our completed
designs would be tagged onto the front 
wall to slowly build up a compilation of
each persons work (Above). The variety
of media as well as artists was incredible
ranging from black and white media to
vibrant full coloured media.
Two examples of the initial concepts
I produced. Using different types of
materials such as glossy paper and
sticky notes I tried to re-create
Lichtenstein's iconic pop art style.

Examples of other peoples work pinned to the wall.
I particularly like the 3D effects people pursued to
dynamically change there designs (Above).

Later designs I created taking inspiration from
work pinned to the wall experimenting with 3D
forms through folding and scrunching (Above). 

A particular design I really took inspiration
from.I love the sharp edges of the folds
and scrunches creating an awesome design.
I also love the material used a sit gives
a reflective glossy appeal that counters
the model and the background nicely.
Subsequently after designing
multiple body form pieces we
had to brainstorm ideas that
we would go on to fabricate out
of paper based materials.
Therefore, I decided to base
my designs very heavily on
Lichtenstein's work  because
of it's bold pop art style. Finally
I decided to create my design
of a head piece that took the
typographical style of Lichtenstein's
work as well as the vibrant colour
of the explosion depicted in the BLAM!
painting. Additionally, I loved the idea of
having an explosion in the style of
Roy Lichtenstein erupting from
someone's head.

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