Thursday 24 September 2015

Fashion | Final design & Photography

Final design of Roy Lichtenstein inspired
headpiece (Above).

Continuing the theme of pop art and
more specifically Lichtenstein's work
I invested in some coloured card to
manipulate on the day of fabrication.
This was to ensure a professional
looking design as well as save myself
a lot of colouring in (Above).

Heavily influenced from Lichtenstein's BLAM piece I
made certain source imagery was around whilst
fabricating my model. 

I continued to check that the head piece
fit the mannequin head. Its just a shame
the models head (my head) was slightly
larger (Above).

Using other coloured material card I tried
to cover any aesthetically lacking areas
of the head piece.

This resulted with the back of the piece
being covered with a quantity of coloured
card. Although, the design looks uneven
and mediocre I continued the process
to experiment the boundaries of the
medium along with making certain the
head piece was a 360 degree fabricated
item (Below).

The back of the head piece (Above).

The final design (Above).

After designing my artist influenced
headpiece I went around different floors
of the building and took images of my
design in action.

It is worth mentioning the amount of
people that came up to me and said
"BLAM!" The irony...
At least I got the spelling right (Above).

Taking the stairs to level 2 wearing my
pop art inspired hat 
Lounging on the mezzanine floor.
Modelling or fashion is definitely not my
cup of tea (Above).
Just about inside a lighted area of the building on
level 2. It was actually underneath a table with a
charging docking station. I really love the colour
of the photo as it was the only environment I
could find natural light that closely related to
Lichtenstein's pop art style (Above).

Ready to go home, just outside the O2.
The fashion cycle was a fascinating
insight into an area I hadn't explored
before. Overall, the experience of
working collaboratively, working in
3D, developing a number of designs etc
was often a demanding task. However,
it was extremely enjoyable teaching me
a number of lessons about evolving
ideas, working on your feet and
not to always rely on masking tape.
Nevertheless, fashion is not to be my
area of expertise and so I'll be
leaving it to more qualified people.

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