Saturday 5 December 2015

Installations: states of mind

Ann Veronica Janssens

: yellowbluepink 

States of mind exhibition visit 

This installation visit to Ann Veronica Janssens
yellowbluepink was unlike any other visit I have
taken to an artists exhibition. Ann Veronica 
Janssens explores the consciousness of her 
audience blinding them with bold colourful fog 
that experiments with the audiences typical 
conscious experience.  effects of the thick 
colouring made the room feel never-ending 
and had quite a phycological effect on the 
audience during my visit. The room was visibly 
unclear, visitors were unable to walk around without 
stumbling into walls or others and made me personally
feel unnerved and isolated. Therefore, the experience 
was very unusual and alien to normal surroundings.
It felt like being in a transitive state or sleep 
walking as your primary sense of awareness
is blinded by the density of the fog.   

A number of panorama shots taken inside of
the installation depicting the alien surroundings
 of the room and the conditions of visibility
that affected the viewers inside.
During periodic times the colour of the fog would change and would also change dependent on where you were standing in the room. As a result this made the viewer feel even more isolated and unhinged as your surroundings would change constantly challenging your sense of direction, sight and even balance.

Nevertheless, the experience was
incredible and was a totally new
challenge for my normal conscious awareness.

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