Sunday 6 December 2015

Book cover: My name is red

The second book cover I produced was for
Orphan Pamuk's 'My name is red'. The novel's
masterful narration and storytelling deserve
a unanimous design that hints at the themes
of the book without giving too much knowledge
to the viewer.
Therefore, I decided to initially produce a
digitally sketch of what I envisioned for the
design and proceeded from there.
The digital outcome of this step visually looked silly
and inappropriate for the mature tone of the novel.
As a result I continued to experiment with practical
processes of producing running liquid. 
First I practically experimented with water-
colour paints without success as the
opacity of the colour was lost and the
translucent nature of the solution wasn't
menacing enough to be portrayed as blood.

On the other hand, using water colour mixed
with an acrylic solution I produced an erie
 looking image for the text 'My name is red'.
I was satisfied with the outcome
besides one or two changes I handled post
photography digitally. 

Digitally i added the authors name using a 
serif based font used in previous iterations
of the books publishing to evoke quality 
and authenticity. Similarly, I added a quote
from a reputable review to consolidate the 
books authenticity. I am really pleased with 
the outcome of this brief; both the 'my name
is red; novel as well as the novel 'hunger'.

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