Saturday 5 December 2015

Climate Change poster no.1

The brief for week 2 following our big
draw week was to produce a poster
that advertised the effects of climate
change to visibly connect with an
audience about the irreversible damages
of climate change.

Therefore, I wanted to produce a poster
that was on a global scale to show that
this situation harms and affects everyone.

As a result I played around with a number
phrases, sentences etc. I finally got to the
sentence '7,376,549,284 (and counting)
people live on Earth. Climate change affects
everyone'. With this I accompanied the slogan
I was using for the poster 'THINK CHANGE' .

After this I started to experiment
with some layouts and concept
ideas until I came to the
conclusion that I would use a
waste theme in the design.

Therefore the stats font is
produced by this decaying rumble
falling from a polluted and
saturated planet earth that I
personally believe is an impactful
message. With this I produced a
handwritten font that I scanned
into the document to give it a
grungy recycled feel to fit the
theme of the poster. However
overall I wanted to produce
 another poster as I was
dissatisfied with the grungy
themed posters final layout.

For instance the black background
distracts from the message of the 

Consequently next I decided to look at lighter
themed posters that still delivered
a powerful message that the 1st
poster concept produced.

Subsequently, I looked at leaking
water and this could be portrayed
into the slogan of my climate change
poster campaign 'THINK CHNAGE'

I took this concept further and
developed it into a 2nd poster
design. I will post this concept
in another post entry...

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