Sunday 6 December 2015

Book cover: Hunger

Week 3's brief was to create a book
cover for critically acclaimed award
winning books. Although the brief
sounds relatively broad the amount of
books without good design was limited.

However, I sought a book that had a
questionable synopsis as well as a
less than stelar history with graphical
publishing. Therefore I design a concept
book cover for Knut Hamsun's 'HUNGER'.
The novel follows a vagrant character that  

pursues a righteous code which is ultimately 
leads him to his own self destruction blaming 
his failures on God/higher power 
instead of society. 
The final design embodies this self
infliction of the protagonist as the
type is conjured inside of the subjects
mind and body. The design is purposely
bold and simple to strip away any
necessary media to portray the dire
situation of the book.
I personally love the outcome of this
concept as it looks aesthetically clean
and professional.

However, I hope to pursue another
novel cover design by the end of the

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