Wednesday 16 December 2015

Liked on YouTube: Batman v Superman 3 OFFICIAL Posters Revealed

Batman v Superman 3 OFFICIAL Posters Revealed
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Sunday 6 December 2015

Branding: Mood boards

I've forgotten what week we're on so I'm just going to
call the brief the branding project. This project is
a two week brief unlike the other work I've posted
so expect initial concepts after this post.

The images included are a focused mood board of
ideas as well as concepts I am currently using to
generate my snowboarding/skate brand. 

Book cover: My name is red

The second book cover I produced was for
Orphan Pamuk's 'My name is red'. The novel's
masterful narration and storytelling deserve
a unanimous design that hints at the themes
of the book without giving too much knowledge
to the viewer.
Therefore, I decided to initially produce a
digitally sketch of what I envisioned for the
design and proceeded from there.
The digital outcome of this step visually looked silly
and inappropriate for the mature tone of the novel.
As a result I continued to experiment with practical
processes of producing running liquid. 
First I practically experimented with water-
colour paints without success as the
opacity of the colour was lost and the
translucent nature of the solution wasn't
menacing enough to be portrayed as blood.

On the other hand, using water colour mixed
with an acrylic solution I produced an erie
 looking image for the text 'My name is red'.
I was satisfied with the outcome
besides one or two changes I handled post
photography digitally. 

Digitally i added the authors name using a 
serif based font used in previous iterations
of the books publishing to evoke quality 
and authenticity. Similarly, I added a quote
from a reputable review to consolidate the 
books authenticity. I am really pleased with 
the outcome of this brief; both the 'my name
is red; novel as well as the novel 'hunger'.

Book cover: Hunger

Week 3's brief was to create a book
cover for critically acclaimed award
winning books. Although the brief
sounds relatively broad the amount of
books without good design was limited.

However, I sought a book that had a
questionable synopsis as well as a
less than stelar history with graphical
publishing. Therefore I design a concept
book cover for Knut Hamsun's 'HUNGER'.
The novel follows a vagrant character that  

pursues a righteous code which is ultimately 
leads him to his own self destruction blaming 
his failures on God/higher power 
instead of society. 
The final design embodies this self
infliction of the protagonist as the
type is conjured inside of the subjects
mind and body. The design is purposely
bold and simple to strip away any
necessary media to portray the dire
situation of the book.
I personally love the outcome of this
concept as it looks aesthetically clean
and professional.

However, I hope to pursue another
novel cover design by the end of the

Saturday 5 December 2015

climate change video

Slow motion time capture of the
McDonald's drink cup
overflowing to symbolise
the risks presented by climate
The video was later digitally
touch up to include
'THINK CHANGE' graphics
as well as shorter time
period however the file was
too large to export onto the
blog. I will try to upload the
final product in the near future.

climate change poster no.2

This is my 2nd poster design
developing on the cons of my
previous poster. Using a similar
font to the last poster creates a
campaign theme particularly with
the 'THINK CHANGE' slogan.

Developing on the water concept I
wanted to also integrate a well known
brand or identity that a large audience
could connect with so that the subject
is still on the global crisis.

As a result I used packaging from the
juggernaut fast food chain Mc Donald's
to identify as the recognisable brand
in my poster concept.

Linking with the water leaking concept I
filled the packaging with water and ice cubes to
document the flooding of the packaging as a metaphor
for the current condition of the sea levels due to climate change.

I experimented flooding the packaging
with a number of different subjects as
well as colourising the water post
photography to distinctly depict the
flooding motion.

A number of different lighting options
were also experimented with to see if
it could convey the message more

flashed used to give shadow to the image
giving depth to the white background.

Although, I decided to go for an artificial light source
as well as a plain white background so that the image
corresponds to the brand theme of the mcdonald's
advertisement. Overall, I am really pleased with this
posters outcome as it portrays the climate change
message more aesthetically as well as feeling
familiar to a larger audience.

Climate Change poster no.1

The brief for week 2 following our big
draw week was to produce a poster
that advertised the effects of climate
change to visibly connect with an
audience about the irreversible damages
of climate change.

Therefore, I wanted to produce a poster
that was on a global scale to show that
this situation harms and affects everyone.

As a result I played around with a number
phrases, sentences etc. I finally got to the
sentence '7,376,549,284 (and counting)
people live on Earth. Climate change affects
everyone'. With this I accompanied the slogan
I was using for the poster 'THINK CHANGE' .

After this I started to experiment
with some layouts and concept
ideas until I came to the
conclusion that I would use a
waste theme in the design.

Therefore the stats font is
produced by this decaying rumble
falling from a polluted and
saturated planet earth that I
personally believe is an impactful
message. With this I produced a
handwritten font that I scanned
into the document to give it a
grungy recycled feel to fit the
theme of the poster. However
overall I wanted to produce
 another poster as I was
dissatisfied with the grungy
themed posters final layout.

For instance the black background
distracts from the message of the 

Consequently next I decided to look at lighter
themed posters that still delivered
a powerful message that the 1st
poster concept produced.

Subsequently, I looked at leaking
water and this could be portrayed
into the slogan of my climate change
poster campaign 'THINK CHNAGE'

I took this concept further and
developed it into a 2nd poster
design. I will post this concept
in another post entry...


I know I know it's not Friday however I thought I'd
share the GIF piece I produced on Photoshop during
a short tutorial during rotations.

Installations: Ai Weiwei

Ai Weiwei at the Royal academy of arts

One of the most influential Chinese
artists of our time Ai Weiwei's exhibition
at the the royal academy of arts is a
spectacle of practical ingenuity and
genuinely thought provoking.  

Using his own past experiences such as
being arrested for no reasonable charge
AiWeiwei's work is very personal to his
life, culture and beliefs. This is evidenced
through the use of materials and imagery
used throughout the exhibition. 

The hanging man for instance is a bold
use of minimal imagery suggesting
themes of oppression as well as
Weiwei's own ordeal when sentenced to

Traditional ornaments brandished with
commercial advertising. Beautiful? Or

Subjects of social media, cctv and chains
in a constant circle of repeating depicted
through the medium of wallpaper.

A chandelier formed from bicycles used in a
repetitive fashion to assemble an aesthetically brilliant
installation simply known as the 'bicycle chandelier'.

Overall, the exhibition was fascinating
integrating themes and subjects relevant
china's current political running as well
as more obscure themes allowing the
audience to conjure their own meaning
of the artists work.

Installations: states of mind

Ann Veronica Janssens

: yellowbluepink 

States of mind exhibition visit 

This installation visit to Ann Veronica Janssens
yellowbluepink was unlike any other visit I have
taken to an artists exhibition. Ann Veronica 
Janssens explores the consciousness of her 
audience blinding them with bold colourful fog 
that experiments with the audiences typical 
conscious experience.  effects of the thick 
colouring made the room feel never-ending 
and had quite a phycological effect on the 
audience during my visit. The room was visibly 
unclear, visitors were unable to walk around without 
stumbling into walls or others and made me personally
feel unnerved and isolated. Therefore, the experience 
was very unusual and alien to normal surroundings.
It felt like being in a transitive state or sleep 
walking as your primary sense of awareness
is blinded by the density of the fog.   

A number of panorama shots taken inside of
the installation depicting the alien surroundings
 of the room and the conditions of visibility
that affected the viewers inside.
During periodic times the colour of the fog would change and would also change dependent on where you were standing in the room. As a result this made the viewer feel even more isolated and unhinged as your surroundings would change constantly challenging your sense of direction, sight and even balance.

Nevertheless, the experience was
incredible and was a totally new
challenge for my normal conscious awareness.