Monday 9 May 2016

FMP final font tests

As a result of the multiple experiments
I created using the acrylic templates I
designed with the heavitas font I
produced these font styles.

The first, above was created using
a screen printing method with the
cardboard template I produced.
I rolled acrylic paint over the letters
and pressed the canvas over the
letters whilst pressing the canvas
down with another roller.

This created an interesting unique
style to the font, however some
letters are difficult to read and
therefore wouldn't be satisfactory
for the campaign.  

Above is the second font style I
created. This spray paint font
was a product of using the original
acrylic laser cut stencil and spray
paint. This design looks clean cut
but on closer inspection shows
unique qualities around the edges.
As a result, I will most likely use this
design for the campaign as it
combines the legible and practical
qualities I wanted from these

This is the third and final font style
I produced using the acrylic template
and some acrylic paint. This gives the
font a rough brush stroke aesthetic
that compliments the bold nature of
the font.
However, unfortunately on
some of the letters this brush
stroke style loses the form of the
letters. Therefore I intend to use the
spray paint font for its legibility as well
as hand made appeal.  

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