Tuesday 19 January 2016

Branding: Schnell KEEP UP slogan

The final logo for the 'SCHNELL'
brand was formed from the two 
final l's fitting both within a 
rectangle area. The outcome 
is tidy and also versatile as the
area of the logo can be used 
to visualise images inside of 
the logo. 

This idea was inspired by the 
use of primary photography 
on previous campaigns and
the idea that the logo had 
to capture speed. As a 
result I combined a number
of images both secondary
and primary that depicted
the playful/ quick energy 
of the brand. These 
images were then put into 
a gif quickly transitioning 
to give the effect of 
fast movement into the
The slogan for the brand was
a natural extension of the logo
as it was intended to be a
response to the brand name
itself. 'SCHNELL' meaning
QUICK! Was then followed
by 'KEEP UP' This is why
the slogan appears at the
end of the gif sequence.
Above: The final logo was chosen for
it's bold form and it's ability
to be scaled for large as well as
smaller advertisements.

Additionally, the reason for choosing
the last two letters of the brands
title was because of the way the
two L's fitted in harmony. Peers
as well as tutors agreed that the
L's were more recognisable than
other test letters used. 

The images used during the logo
gif that represents the intended
target market of the brand.

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