Tuesday 19 January 2016

Branding: SCHNELL initial logo concepts

Before the festive break I managed to
upload the design mood boards I was
using as inspiration to produce a
completely new brand.
The idea was to produce a brand
name that revolved around
snowboarding and the laid back
typical snowboard/ski lifestyle.

The brand was ultimately named
'SCHNELL' The German word
for fast or quickly that was chosen
to instill a sense of movement.
Therefore logo's and type was
experimented with to capture the
meaning of the brand. 

Above: Inspired by the work of Chris Piascik 
this illustration was an experiment to capture
the fun and wild playfulness of snowboard

Unfortunately the illustration was too complex 
for scaling down onto advertisements,labels, etc.

These experiments were a few
type concepts that I produced
in hopes that it would capture
the idea of playfulness and
a nonstop lifestyle.

However, each font narrows
the intended target market as
test groups were divided on
which font appealed the most.
Nevertheless, the fonts were
used in prototype products
such as snowboard concepts. 

The use of primary photography also relates the
brand to a particular setting. As a result, I also
experimented with using illustrate type over
photography to produce a logo that is
recognisable and associated with the correct

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