Sunday 17 April 2016

FMP Proposal

So, it has finally come to the final major project (FMP)
of my foundation course. For this we will have seven 
weeks to produce a project on a subject of our choice.
This will be submitted in a end of year show to a public

As a result, I wanted to choose a subject that

has been a controversial topic in the public eye. 
Therefore, I decided to focus on gun laws in the states
in comparison to the U.K. This will allow me to produce
a campaign that will have a conversation with the 
audience as well as communicate my opinion on the 

Below is the outlined proposal for my FMP. 

The political debate over relaxed gun laws in the U.S. 

has inevitably become a hot topic amongst other 
developed countries. Some calling for loosened UK 
gun laws-reported (BBC News UK Feb 2016). 

As a result, I want to produce a campaign expressing 

an anti gun stance using statistics revolving around 
gun crime from the U.S. Mainly focusing on crime 
rather than the whole subject. This will prioritise my 
research as well as assure that I produce an important 
message in my campaign. Furthermore, I will create a 
voting system that enables the audience to voice their 
opinion. This will then be displayed at the end of year 
show to represent the publics opinion on the subject. 

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