Saturday 30 April 2016

Pick me up // Graphic arts festival

Pick me up is a collection of industry based
graphic design artists that use elements 
of screen printing throughout their work.

Here are a few of my favourite picks from
the festival.

FMP Survey Response

Thank you to everyone that participated in the
Gun Laws survey. There were about 30 people
that gave their opinion on the topic however
the survey is still open if anyone wants to voice
their beliefs.

The results were a mixed bag of interesting
data on peoples understanding of gun
culture within the UK and USA.

The survey was completed by a majority
of UK citizens therefore there is a large
response against gun use and surprisingly
stricter laws on public ownership.

However, alarmingly, statistics on US gun
crime and ownership was significantly under
estimated by the survey participants. Whereas,
UK gun crime and possession was voted
correctly. This supports the idea of UK
citizens having little to even no gun culture.
Nevertheless, the findings of the survey are
listed below. 

Monday 25 April 2016

FMP Survey

Just asking for a favour I wouldn't mind knowing 
what people thought of current gun laws within 
the UK as well as the US. If you care that would 
be awesome. Copy and paste
the link below into a new tab, 
it's only seven questions so do it!

Be mindful that the nature of the subject deals
with some themes some may find distressing.

Sunday 17 April 2016

FMP Font development

This week I researched different fonts
including experimental hand written
type for my Gun Laws campaign. This
included mixed media such as,
watercolour, digital media, charcoal and
sketched concepts.

This post includes a selection of
experiments that helped develop the final
design decision for which font type I
would use for the main type, headline
type and logo type for the campaign. 

FMP Proposal

So, it has finally come to the final major project (FMP)
of my foundation course. For this we will have seven 
weeks to produce a project on a subject of our choice.
This will be submitted in a end of year show to a public

As a result, I wanted to choose a subject that

has been a controversial topic in the public eye. 
Therefore, I decided to focus on gun laws in the states
in comparison to the U.K. This will allow me to produce
a campaign that will have a conversation with the 
audience as well as communicate my opinion on the 

Below is the outlined proposal for my FMP. 

The political debate over relaxed gun laws in the U.S. 

has inevitably become a hot topic amongst other 
developed countries. Some calling for loosened UK 
gun laws-reported (BBC News UK Feb 2016). 

As a result, I want to produce a campaign expressing 

an anti gun stance using statistics revolving around 
gun crime from the U.S. Mainly focusing on crime 
rather than the whole subject. This will prioritise my 
research as well as assure that I produce an important 
message in my campaign. Furthermore, I will create a 
voting system that enables the audience to voice their 
opinion. This will then be displayed at the end of year 
show to represent the publics opinion on the subject. 

FMP Contextual Research

Week 1 involved contextually researching
previous campaigns that use an 
assortment of different mediums to 
communicate their subject. 
I looked at various different clients
to ensure a wide range of media to
help me develop and produce a 
medium of work that communicates
my topic clearly as well as effectively.

Therefore, below are a few chosen 
campaigns I analysed for research.

WWF campaign focusing on well known
images of 'myths' and 'legends' using a
comical twist on the idea that ordinary
creatures are becoming rare sights rather
than the mythical creatures. 

AWARE campaign that uses a darker
sinister tone to visualise the metaphor
message communicated for the

(Top) Fundacao Boticario campaign used
existing graphics to communicate with
the audience using visual camparisons
to support their message.

(Below) Land Transport NZ  used
practical media in their campaign
to interact with the viewer.

Red Cross Singapore illustrated injury
in their campaign through practical
tearing in the posters to show
different ranges of harm to the
subject of the media.

The Indian Association for
Promotion of Adoption
& Child Welfare used digital media to
swap the roles of traditional parenting
to give the campaign a strong message
about the client. 

WWF campaign uses the lack of colour
to support the message of the poster
as well as minimal line strokes to indicate
withering wildlife.